FXC Corporation - Unbeatable in the Market for Innovative Life Support Protective Equipment and Aerial Delivery Systems
Among the Best that Deliver Life Support Products: FXC Corporation was founded in 1973 and is currently located in Santa Ana, California. FXC Corporation designs, manufactures and distributes innovative life support protective equipment and aerial delivery systems for military aerospace applications. The corporation is a privately held business that was formally recognized by the World Trade Center of Orange County. They were awarded the “Exporter of the Year Award” for their for their prestigious small business skills.
About the Company’s Innovative Products Line:
FXC Corporation was the first company to develop a product that sped up the rate of descent. They created the sensing Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release for the sport and military markets. Today FXC Corporation has the following product categories:
Aerial Delivery-Cargo
The Aerial Delivery-Cargo category line consists of the following
Cargo Parachute- the Cargo Parachute offers the delayed necessary to prevent premature disconnect of the payload during the initial unstable parachute deployment sequence.
Extraction Parachute Jettison System- the Extraction Parachute Jettison System couples the extraction line with the 3-pont link assembly. The extraction parachute jettison system has been developed to jettison malfunctioning parachutes remotely, quickly and safely.
DM 500 Mechanical Dereefer- The DM 500 Mechanical Dereefer is designed to be reused multiple times and offers delays of 2 or 4 seconds.
Cargo Parachutes- Military
The Cargo Parachutes-Military offers parachutes that have been tested and inspected to meet the following systems:
Cargo Parachutes
Supply Parachutes
Extraction Parachutes
Environmental Sensor
FXC is a long time supplier of aircrew ejection system components.
Parachute Automatic sensing and Activation Devices
The parachute automatic sensing and activation devices are used for dual application use for in-flight emergency egress escape bail-out conditions and for pre-mediated parachute jump scenarios. The line consists of:
Model 2400
Model 2101
Military Model 12000 & Model 12000
Payload/UAV Recovery
The payload/UAV recovery offers customers the chance to develop the most appropriate and reliable type of parachute system product to meet their requirements.
Personal Parachute Systems
FXC Corporation maintains the manufacturing process, quality engineering, production and product inspection expertise to deliver the following systems
Non-steerable troop parachutes
Steerable troop parachutes
Reserve parachutes
Military free- fail parachutes
Emergency parachutes
Personnel torso harnesses
Ejection seat Parachutes
Deceleration Parachute
Test Equipment
FXC Corporation also offers test equipment that is offered to meet the scheduled inspection and maintenance services.
FXC Corporation also offers service support that supports its products, product demonstrations, product training, and product integration.
Receive the Best from Reliable Distributors:
ASAP Semiconductor, through its proprietary website ASAP NSN-Parts, is a leading distributor of all FXC Corporation line products. Please contact ASAP Semiconductor today at sales@asap-nsnparts.us or call us at 1-714-705-4780 and one of our knowledgeable sales representatives available will be ready to assist you.
john parker
Posted on December 19, 2013
ship parts